Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Vogels Toast & tea to the next level

Getting quite fancy with tea and toast matching.

Reason why I began looking into Vogels was along the lines of history, story, Kiwiness, and how it was exported and sold to ex-pats (5th most exported after dairy, wool, meat etc).

My major is starting to look like something something : Telling big (/important) stories through food. 

Making boring/hard/dry stories more palatable  History, to me, is a good starting point. Can be viewed as quite dry, and takes a while to get into if you are researching.

Why food? Experiential, appeals to all 5 senses at the same time. The 5 senses thing is huge for me as I believe that is how we can engage people on a very personal level. Nothing more personal than getting into someone's body, right? Something something media parity, something something desensitized culture, something something removed from history/hard times something something.

Voila. Abstract done.

  • How is advertising dealing with media saturation now?
  • How are consumers reacting to advertising in this over saturated environment?
  • Consumers can now select what they want to see to a larger degree, how do advertisers adjust so they WANT to see your ad? (Think Skittles touch the rainbow)
  • Consumers are looking for a more personal face, a 1 to 1 dialogue with brands (opposed to the big faceless multi nationals that have come to power)—how do brands make a connection?

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