Thursday, May 2, 2013

Storytelling in new ways

Recalling 1993. 
Droga5, NY.

Step back twenty years into New York City's past. Call 1-855-FOR-1993 from any NYC pay phone to hear what was happening on that block in 1993. Visit for more information.

Brilliant concept and execution. Storytelling through a new device (well I guess aural isn't exactly a new way of storytelling). Bites of history, only given to the audience when the audience initiates it—there is no yelling at people; they will have to want to know to call up.

Specific to place. This makes whatever the audience is listening to infinitely more relevant. By placing  the audience in the location where these stories happened; the audience will feel a deeper connection to the story: something that history books, films or museums fail to do due to that disconnection.

Decoded, Jay-Z
Droga5, NY.

Every page of Jay-Z's book was displayed in the places that that part of the story happened.
Location specific.

Finding interesting ways to tell stories. I suppose that's what advertising is really all about.

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