Thursday, May 9, 2013

Existing Anzac Campaigns

A video for Australian Anzac day. Just super simple motion graphicsy type stuff.

From RSA's Website
Every year, with the passing of time, the number of veterans and those who lived through war grows smaller. But our remembrance is more than a salute to those who fought and those we lost. It’s a way of carrying forward the stories and ideals of our grandfathers and great grandfathers, and grandmothers, which are just as relevant in today’s world as they were then.

Wall of remembrance on RSA's website, user submitted.

Planting PoppiesWestpac bank staff plant poppies in Midland Park for 2013 Anzac Day. Getting into the public sphere—making them take notice. Simple idea. Wish they had sold all of them, that would be a great fundraising.

On Army Biscuits:
“Biscuits! Army Biscuits! Consider the hardness of them. Remember the cracking of your dental plate, the breaking of this tooth, the splintering of that.”
From Army Biscuits by Ormond Burton.

Lemon Squeezer Hat
The iconic kiwi ‘lemon squeezer’ hat was introduced by one of New Zealand’s outstanding soldiers of the Gallipoli Campaign, William George Malone. Originally for his Taranaki Rifles Regiment, the hat was designed to mirror the outline of Mount Taranaki and also to allow ‘run off’ in the rain.

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