Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Emilie Baltz

Marije Vogelzang now has a new contender for my heart.

“Food has the most robust power to tell stories. Not just langues, not just sight—you had all your fie senses involved.”
—Emilie Baltz
“Food, relationships, and narratives are intertwined.”
“We build culture through telling stories.”
The oyster, greatest of all aphrodisiacs, female genetilia—look, smell, feels, sounds like it.= experience.
“When you attach story to physical touchpoints like this, it becomes that much more profound.”
Loves is:
If anything, food is not a calorie; it is a feeling. And feelings are experiences.

We have bodily stimulations, we are humans. And this is something we must demand of ourselves as we move into a digital space.

The hand is the instrument of the mind.
 Our senses are the instruments of our heart. And hearts are what changes lives.

Food is unique in that it is the most “live material” designers can use. It is life, and begs the creation of community, empathy and sensual interaction for its success. Within this tactile landscape, it leaves room for failure and experimentation as a creative practice, while inviting intimate and emotional communication in its consumption. These acts ignite both our imagination and memory while stimulating our bodies, serving as powerful means of creating physical touchpoints for emotional content.

In the digital age, it is more important than ever to connect with our senses.
As we move towards a Jetsonian future of technology and connectivity, the study of food experience can reveal sustainable, human-centric models of interaction that, in their bridging of the emotional and physical, offer healthy metaphors for connections between the virtual and the real.

from: http://www.psfk.com/2013/04/emilie-baltzfood-love-psfk-2013.html

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