Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Really like food play. Play is the only way to familiarize yourself with strange things, and you are only going to eat things that are familiar to you. That's why what foods you are exposed through during upbringing severely impact whether you think guinea pigs are delicious or not.

Combining with science, perhaps to reintroduce the idea of free experimentation.
Childlike curiousity/fascination. Look at Good Eats presentation style.

Cooking viewed upon as a chore/low on priority as we assume we are time short. Reintroduce the fun and fascination we have in cooking culture as a society. Hands on/real life interaction — not vicariously  through television.

Two way communication to form brand perception & identity. Brand puts out x% and viewer completes the equation (well, that's how its always been; but now we are making the viewer more aware of their participation in meaning creation). Feelings of co-creation/collaboration.

Look at fun theory?

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