Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Problem? Why x10.

My initial unchecked guesses at how things are.

Young males have low fruit and veg intake.


  • Disconnect with food—less time spent cooking, less regards for health,
  • Feminine connotations to the kitchen, long food preparation time and vegetables as 'light feminine food'. 
  • Peers. Alternatives and availability. 
  • Quickly perishable. 
  • Perceived as expensive to eat healthy. 
  • Farmers markets takes planning. Budgeting and planning also associated with feminine household chores at time when young males are trying to assert and reassure their "masculinity" by holding up status quos and gender stereotypes. 
  • Notion of youth invincibility
  • Black or white thinking (all or nothing).

Other thoughts:
  • Fast food is quite dominant in fast food advertising, followed by breads, cheese and processed food. Where's the produce?
  • Do people forget how much food and veg they consume? Not realizing? A method to track how much you actually consume eg. take a photo with Instagram.

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