Monday, April 15, 2013


Maps of my thoughts on topics.



Food & Mood.

College Diets.

Enable to Ask.

Food & Gender.

Food Symbolism & Stereotype.

Food Porn.

Home Cooking.

Now to bring the focus to these two: Food porn & Home Cooking.

Look into theory:
  • Food as a spectacle (Guy Debord, The Society of the Spectacle)
  • Cooking as a defining factor of human culture. (Richard Wrangham, Catching Fire)
  • Decline of home cooking in relation to decline of culture. (Krishnendu Ray, Domesticating Cuisine: Food and Aesthetics on American Television)
  • Domesticity on display. (Roland Barthes, Mythologies)
  • Realm of irreality, unattainability—alienation from community. (Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulation)
On target audience:
  • Age & gender.
  • How many cook at home?
  • Do they engage in food spectacles? (defined as? Wiki:a glamorized spectacular visual presentation of cooking or eating in advertisements, infomercials, cooking shows or other visual media.)
  • What is considered 'from-scratch cooking'/'real home cooking' when we are surrounded by many 'ready mades' in the modern food environment?
  • Do they visit farmers/vegetable markets?

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