Friday, April 19, 2013

Just Cook

Just Cook.

NZ initiative by the Nutrition Foundation.

“The biggest barriers to meal preparation are time, money and knowledge. Our Food Week aims to break down these barriers and show Kiwis how to make affordable meals the whole family will enjoy. Kiwiscan afford to eat properly at home if they know how.”

Hanrahan believes the conflicting and often negative messages in the media on what we should and shouldn’t be eating, alongside the regular reporting on the cost of what’s in our trolley is misleading New Zealanders to believe that cooking a healthy meal at home is unaffordable.

Nutritionalism as an ideology.
“When you keep hearing that you have to use a minimum number of veges, cook without fat, reduce salt, increase fibre, reduce sugar and fit wholegrains into every meal, cooking a healthy and tasty meal at home just seems like mission impossible. We’re also reminded on a daily basis how expensive it is to feed a family. Just Cook encourages cooking at home using basic household ingredients. The recipes are quick to make and the results are delicious – now that’s the message we need to embrace.”

Their sponsors.

Kind of what I want to do SMP wise. Website is terrible to use.

Select ingredients and find meal suggestions.

Child and parent based ratings. Unsure how old 'child' entails.

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