Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Output and Objectives

3 installations that focus on the feelings evoked within soldiers during the war to promote the Anzacs Exhibition.

Emphasis is on replicating the feelings as I do not want to provide a historical recreation of what it was like in the war—that is for the exhibition to do.
These installations serve as a teaser to the deeper, historically accurate and more encompassing exhibition.

The audience is to walk away thinking "This is what it feels like—I should go to the exhibition". The purpose is to evoke empathy for soldiers in order to spark greater interest in the Anzacs.

I will need to research more into what soldiers felt during the war. So far:

  • Food—daily rations, emphasise the sobriety, unappealing and monotonous aspect of the food. How is the food presented? Bento box style, buffet style, mystery box style etc. "Abundant supplies, but of the wrong sort" p.74. Bully beef—"salty, stringy, unpalatable.
    After enemy gunfire destroyed many of the water barges... water for all purposes ... half a pint per day per man" p.74
  • A dark box.
    Deafness. Someone suggested removing the two most prominent senses of sight and sound. I think it would be good if sound was replaced with a low frequency rumble (that hopefully resonates in the body's core—reiterating the feeling of the canon at the Anzac dawn service); or a high frequency pitch that describes the deafness experienced by the soldiers.
  • Feelings of solitude and distance from the familiar (eg friends, family, hometown etc). Could look at describing homesickness. Smell something familiar?
  • Repulse—witnessing death. Smell. Rotting carcasses. This could be an interesting one, but must be wary to not have the opposite of the intended effect.
  • Nightmares, insomnia, difficulty in concentrating (needs research backup). A bit like ADHD. Lots of rabbits to chase. "For the first three days we were not given a moment's peace, night or day" (upon arriving in Gallipoli)p.73 Salute to Service, Julia Millen.

Low Frequency vibration:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mgy8zsQIfBg

Also got a mate to help me make a few tests for Friday's interim presentation! Hoorah!

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