Saturday, August 10, 2013

Interim Presentation

Went terribly. I think I had a heart attack right after it. Feeling discouraged.
3 minutes was not enough as I didn't have the time to fully edit and reflect on the work I had done to concisely express myself.

I'm having doubts as whether my work will make sense to anyone but me. According to Euan, it's time to start writing some stories and copy. and stop focussing so much on playing with the senses.

It makes sense. Of course I'm not going to throw an audience into an experience without explaining the connection to them. It just has to be done early (ie. now), so that others can understand why I am doing what I am.


I am creating a communications campaign that utilises all five senses to engage young and disconnected New Zealanders with Anzac history.

My project with be the hypothetical campaign for the (very real) experiential Weta Workshop Anzacs exhibition in Te Papa.

I intend on creating 3 installations that focus on the feelings evoked within soldiers at Gallipoli. The audience will receive a takeaway memento, which serves as a call to action and also so they can share the experience with others.


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