Saturday, July 20, 2013

Week 2—Things to do

  1. Contact Heather Church, Te Papa Communications Advisor, 04 381 7083, or 029 601 0180 or regarding Anzacs exhibition. Is Weta's involvement the significant exhibit? What methods of advertising are they planning? Who are they targeting? How are they conducting their research? How long is the exhibition going on for? How does it fit in the bigger scheme of Anzac centenary? Are there going to be events surrounding it?
  2. Write out purpose according to Nick's template: Intro, aim, message, audience, schedule, projected aesthetic outcome.
  3. Write out advertising brief: Background, SWOT of client, communication objective, key issue, target market, insight, SMP, support, tone, media, mandatories (optional, how ironic).
  4. Research Te Papa. Visitors, space, tone.
  5. Research how to feed strangers.
  6. Research audience. Motivation to visit.

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