Monday, July 22, 2013

Te Papa visitor statistics.

From their 2010/2011 report.

Currently the 16–24 age group accounts for 20.4% of all visitors—higher than the percentage in the population (16%).

24–34 accounts for 22.3% of visitors (vs pop: 17%).

Above the age of 35, visitor to population ratios tend to slide the other way.

More females than males visited Te Papa accounting for 59.8% of visitors; vs 48.1% in population.

The 16–34 age group accounts for 42.7% of all visitors. It would be interesting to see which types of exhibits they were visiting.

Curiosity for learning or perhaps less time and increased commitment to careers and families as people age could account for the negative representation in visitors over 35 years.

There are no statistics to distinguish local from international visitors.

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