Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Te Papa's Anzac Exhibition

Peter Jackson & Richard Taylor X Te Papa.
April 2015.

Recreate Quinn's Post trench (most famous position in Anzac line at Gallipoli).


  • Make experience as realistic as possible, bringing home the detail of horror and squalid day-to-day existence (eg. food, lice, dysentery). Remember bravery and sacrifice of men who fought and died.
  • Deepen the understanding of terror Kiwi soldiers experienced.
  • Te Papa's centenial programme is themed: conflict, impact on people and societies, how has conflict shaped NZ nationhood and identity.


NZ nationality/identity was formed over sharing meals of bully beef, hardtack crackers and apricot jam. This is probably qualifies it as essentially, the most truthful, national dish.
... Not fish and chips.

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