Monday, July 29, 2013

Workshop: Message & Audience Feedback

Message workshop pointers:

  • The message is in the food itself, and embodied in the event. How do you articulate the message to them?
  • Is it verbal? Do I verbally tell people the story behind the food message? Would I have a team, trained to relay the message to talk to the rations? Is there takeaway information? Like takeaway food?
  • Is this a food stand/cart? How is it branded?
  • Where is the message located in the branding/tangible things apart from food?
  • Make the audience appreciate historical circumstances
  • In message: explain what it's got to do with 'me' (audience). How do I/have I benefited from them going through this? Appreciation in a negative way—eg "thank God it wasn't me", like people in modern times living in period settings. Thankfulness/gratefulness.
  • How is it served? Is it a packaging & branding exercise where the rations are served in a metal tin, bento box style, eaten then are returned?
Audience workshop pointers:
  • How do you get them to care outside their friends, family, flat etc...
  • Teaser to exhibition.
  • Food is a tiny aspect of your project. Don't just focus here.
  • Get people to huddle in a small space to recreate huddling and eating in trenches.
  • Vending machine style. Swipe phone/something to receive digital info and experience box.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Te Papa's Anzac Exhibition

Peter Jackson & Richard Taylor X Te Papa.
April 2015.

Recreate Quinn's Post trench (most famous position in Anzac line at Gallipoli).


  • Make experience as realistic as possible, bringing home the detail of horror and squalid day-to-day existence (eg. food, lice, dysentery). Remember bravery and sacrifice of men who fought and died.
  • Deepen the understanding of terror Kiwi soldiers experienced.
  • Te Papa's centenial programme is themed: conflict, impact on people and societies, how has conflict shaped NZ nationhood and identity.


NZ nationality/identity was formed over sharing meals of bully beef, hardtack crackers and apricot jam. This is probably qualifies it as essentially, the most truthful, national dish.
... Not fish and chips.

Video of Quinn's Post.

Chunuk Bair Invitation!

Very exciting. Glyn Harper's research spawned my interest in this project. Will have to prepare good questions for him for this socially-awkward evening.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Te Papa visitor statistics.

From their 2010/2011 report.

Currently the 16–24 age group accounts for 20.4% of all visitors—higher than the percentage in the population (16%).

24–34 accounts for 22.3% of visitors (vs pop: 17%).

Above the age of 35, visitor to population ratios tend to slide the other way.

More females than males visited Te Papa accounting for 59.8% of visitors; vs 48.1% in population.

The 16–34 age group accounts for 42.7% of all visitors. It would be interesting to see which types of exhibits they were visiting.

Curiosity for learning or perhaps less time and increased commitment to careers and families as people age could account for the negative representation in visitors over 35 years.

There are no statistics to distinguish local from international visitors.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Week 2—Things to do

  1. Contact Heather Church, Te Papa Communications Advisor, 04 381 7083, or 029 601 0180 or regarding Anzacs exhibition. Is Weta's involvement the significant exhibit? What methods of advertising are they planning? Who are they targeting? How are they conducting their research? How long is the exhibition going on for? How does it fit in the bigger scheme of Anzac centenary? Are there going to be events surrounding it?
  2. Write out purpose according to Nick's template: Intro, aim, message, audience, schedule, projected aesthetic outcome.
  3. Write out advertising brief: Background, SWOT of client, communication objective, key issue, target market, insight, SMP, support, tone, media, mandatories (optional, how ironic).
  4. Research Te Papa. Visitors, space, tone.
  5. Research how to feed strangers.
  6. Research audience. Motivation to visit.

Te Papa visit

Visited Te Papa (my proposed client) to get a feel of their space and the exhibits on war on at the moment. 

I'm too early for any Anzac exhibits, but there were a few light weighted war things on display. 

The following images could inform my aesthetic choices. 

Displays were not interactive in any way, with glass or a bar forming a barrier between information and audience.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Another Marije Vogelzang.

Marije Vogelzang—Huffington Post write up.