- 180 minutes of pain 180 minutes of pleasure.
- The contrast that food can be nourishment or poison.
- Energy or relaxation.
- Stimulant and depressant.
- Evoke feelings of comfort and of guilt.
We now have 'good' food and 'bad' food. We spend the most time thinking about eating. Why is it so complicated? Why can we not just eat fresh food? Hyper-engineered foods are now taking up most of the supermarket, designed and engineered in every way to appeal to all our senses at the cost of temporary psychological nourishment.
So I am still at wits end as to what I am really doing. Two weeks left to go, this is no time to still not know what I am doing.
"Rather, companies stage an experience whenever they engage customers, connecting with them in a personal, memorable way"—Pine and Gilmore p3
"All prior economic offerings exists at armlength, outside the buyer, while experiences are inherently personal"
"The eating experience is now whereever a person is at the moment. We have people eating in the caron the way back and forth to work, in front of the TV." p.16
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