Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Anzac 100 and to do

So it's the centennial next year and it's kinda big.

Planning on doing some quickie design work up and posting my project on the site. Why"? Well, why not.

Also working titles:
Culinary Memorial
Palatable Memory

Submit Project:

Apply for funding: http://ww100.govt.nz/funding-sources-for-ww100-commemorations#.UYelrSu6EtU

Scrap that. They said they will not fund anything for university projects. BOO.

To do:
  • SMP!
  • Name the thing.
  • Write abstract.
  • Make some soldiers out of something edible (Oh no Kingsley Baird did it, but he's cool.)
  • Concept ideas and prototype executions.
All before next Friday hooray!

Also sketch up cool concept type idea for poster.

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