Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Starburst Bursting Billboard & Challenging Assumptions on Outdoor Advertising

Pascall and DDB erected a giant fruit that would eventually burst (‘when will the Fruit Burst’), inviting people to guess when it would pop.

He found that, far from being restricted to an interaction that lasted only a couple of seconds, people engaged with the ‘new’ form of out-of-home media for anywhere from 30 seconds to as long as eight days.

“We don’t have to worry about society developing some mythical form of attention deficit disorder, because communicating messages via posters and billboards over as short a time as possible is not a pre-requisite to successful communication in an age of information overload.

“Most importantly, it’s not about billboards versus digital or social media or whatever being more effective. New communications technologies associated with the age of information overload can and do transform posters and billboards as communication means in lots of ways.”
—AUT Lecturer Paul White. Soured from Idealog

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