Friday, March 29, 2013

Emotion and Food Intake

Emotional Eating: Feeding Your Feelings

"Emotional eating is eating for reasons other than hunger,"

"Oftentimes when a child is sad, we cheer them up with a sweet treat," says Jakubczak. "This behavior gets reinforced year after year until we are practicing the same behavior as adults. We never learned how to deal with the sad feeling because we always pushed it away with a sweet treat. Learning how to deal with feelings without food is a new skill many of us need to learn."
Women are particularly susceptible because they're conditioned from childhood to suppress certain feelings, say experts. "Girls are often taught that it's bad to be sad, upset, or angry, so instead of vocalizing their emotions, they use food as a form of self soothing,"

Brian Wansink, Ph.D., author of Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think, surveyed more than 1,000 people and found that participants were most likely to turn to comfort foods when they were happy (86 percent) or when they wanted to reward themselves (74 percent), rather than when they were depressed (39 percent), bored (52 percent), or lonely (39 percent).

Wansink and his research team found that when people saw the 1970 tearjerker Love Story, they ate about 30 percent more buttered popcorn than when watching the uplifting 2002 flick Sweet HomeAlabama. Don't want to give up sob stories? You can still watch them if you do a little pre-movie reading: When viewers looked at the popcorn's nutrition label before the film started, they cut their munching by about two-thirds

Notes to self:
Look up:

The Effects of Life Stress and Weight on  Mood and Eating 
Hunter College,  City University of New York  and Center for Policy Research 
Center for Policy Research 
Hunter College,  City University of New York

Heinz Creates Musical Spoons & Handmade Bowls, For Ultimate Eating Experience

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