Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Embrace transparency

“A brand is a person’s gut feeling about a product, service, or company. It’s not what you say it is. It’s what THEY say it is.” (Marty Neumeier,The Brand Gap).
Ikea Meatballs have horse in them.
How brands are addressing this issue by embracing transparency, admitting shortcomings and open to change.
How brands are addressing this issue by embracing transparency, admitting shortcomings and open to change.
Mcdonalds Canada 'Our Food, Your Questions'. 
Honesty to solve: overeating and obesity? Sustainable business practices to reflect changing consumer values.
Honesty to solve: overeating and obesity? Sustainable business practices to reflect changing consumer values.
Global report: Obesity bigger health crisis than hunger

But now it’s 2012, and the rules of marketing are changing because the world is changing. Blind consumerism driven by spoon-fed corporate advertising is on its way out. Consumers are starved for a new type of corporate engagement, a new form of capitalism. We are realizing that there is little correlation between owning "stuff" and being happy. We are eager to shop with values, and to support brands that actually stand for something other than product and bottom line. We’re weaning ourselves off uninspired corporate messaging. We crave honest brands. 
Loss of Trust in Big Brands due to social media and consumers being able to provide honest reviews/feedback to others. People trust strangers before they trust advertising.

KFC serves gross chicken brain. Picture goes viral.

"McDonald’s had let food quality slip in the pursuit of profits, and that was a mistake. He said he understood that some customers were embarrassed to say they eat at McDonald’s, and he wanted to change that."—McDonald’s Canada CEO John Betts.

Dominos — Turnaround Campaign

Dominos — Show us your pizza.

Coca-cola 'Coming Together' anti-obesity campaign.

Chipolte back to the start

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