Sunday, August 25, 2013

Emotive Ads

Affective Empathy

mirroring the emotions you observed. we mirror an observed emotional experience, taking it on as our own

Cognitive Empathy
We feel what those proud moms are feeling because we see the Olympics through their eyes. At play is cognitive empathy – we see the world through the viewpoint of another. We actively step into the perspectives of mothers and fathers and share in their joy.

We feel connected to the work not because we see and mirror the dad’s emotions. We don’t actually see much of the dad at all. More complexly, we step inside his world. By being placed in his shoes (or his email), we feel what it’s like to be a dad. 

All have human truths it in to strike a chord. Doesn't have to be people specific to the audience (the audience can empathise through assumption/we want to put ourselves in the center of everything).

Really good article on Empathy in Advertising.

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