Thursday, March 7, 2013

Topic Tumblings

Playing around the lines of:

  • food and the sensory experience of purchasing. sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing to form an emotional connection/association.
  • food insecurity, overfed and underfed proportions 'one billion overfed and one billion underfed'. specific to nz: price of food and hunger in nz.
  • food and emotions, moved beyond sustenance into a substitute for other emotions previously provided from social interactions. emotional eating.
  • food and honesty. transparency in sources, horse meat in ikea meatballs, source of fish and catch methods.

Theory within my practice:
Consumer engagement, play and experience design of a brand. experiential marketing. experiencing the product, the values, the effects.
demonstation as the ultimate proof.
Evoking emotion to differentiate, be memorable, form a personal bond with consumer.

Supermarket artificial food smells.

People's Supermarket: Honesty in food supply.

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